Gareth Edwards
Fecha de nacimiento- 1975-06-01
Lugar de nacimiento- Nuneaton, United Kingdom
British film director Gareth Edwards is best known for directing the 2010 indie motion picture Monsters and the first Star Wars story, Rogue One. Although, Monsters was Gareth’s first feature film, it was not his first time working in the film industry. Gareth began his career in special effects, creating digital effects for prestigious shows such as Attila the Hun for which he won international recognition. Determined to pursue his dreams, he entered SCI-FI-London the Film Challenge 48 where he had to make a movie with 1 actor, two days, and the smallest number of elements. He won the contest and the opportunity to direct his first feature film, Monsters.
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- 133 minutos
El Imperio Galáctico ha terminado de construir el arma más poderosa de todas, la Estrella de la muerte, pero un grupo de rebeldes decide realizar una misión de muy alto riesgo: robar los planos de dicha estación antes de que entre en operaciones, mientras se enfrentan también al poderoso Lord Sith conocido como Darth Vader, discípulo del despiadado Emperador... Lee mas